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PACA is the second most woodland rich region of France!


Our mission is the promotion of this raw material, often made possible thanks to our traditional heritage skills. In collaboration with our equally passionate foresters, we extract the most beautiful trees in the region for them to be valued at home.


According to the seasonal harvests cuts of our foresters we can access to the following species in the regions of 83 & 06:


  • P ubescent Oak - Quercus Pubescens

  • Scots pine - Pinus Sylvestris

  • Larch - Larix Decidua

  • Aleppo pine - Pinus Halepensis

  • Cedar - Cedrus

Thanks to a contract with the National Forestry Office, and the support of the CNPF and FIBOIS SUD , we work exclusively with local raw materials. Each tree is carefully selected in the woodlands by our carpenters in order to guarantee exceptional quality.

Felling is carried out during the winter months with respect to the sap cycle and the lunar calendar

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